Tuesday, July 8, 2008


- (we've had enough cold weather already, so no 'iceman' cometh yet)
well, today is really the first day of my summer. I am finally going to hold to the schedule I set
for myself when school ended, sort of, anyway. I had all of these plans in June to get a LOT of projects done and I haven''t really worked on any yet. Today, it begins...... if I can stop writing.
and find the schedule I wrote down.... it'll work, I know it. I'll get back to you. :)


Debbie~ said...

Yeah!!! Your very first 'Post', I looked this morning...Got busy doing some things I should have done days ago.(bills) ugh...Jerry's painting almost in the neighborhood at my Aunt & Uncles, aka. Santa and the Mrs.,while they're on vacation! So I ended up over there earlier, mowing and watering everything. I wish I had a yard like theirs, it's very small and easily managable, very cool really. They had someone come in and help. They have a 'little' of everything.
I'm supposed to be getting ready for a garage sale and I'm really not in the mood, I'm trying to de-clutter if you can believe it! In doing so, I have stacks, boxes, more stacks one little stack for you, (books of course!), and generally tons of crappola everywhere. I really want to be doing some fabulous art project instead...but, alas, here I sit blogging and doing NONE OF IT!!!
I almost forgot, my brother
asked me to draw something for a project he's working on...I think the butt's going to make a fortune on it!!! He's got the guts so he deserves the "Glory"!I'd better get busy on his project, so I can do some of my own, my heads full of idea's waiting to spill out into some sort of creative form...
Blogging out~

Garno said...

So what is this 'project' he will make a fortune on? (You'll have to tell me when I see you?, so I can say the 'wow, I knew her before she was famous' bit.) Books? oh my.
I was supposed to be getting things done, my schedule you know. Not working... I was sucked into the vortex, the black hole of cyberland (ha, Rent!) going genealogy. ONce you get started on that, its difficult to stop, but that's no excuse. Its like an addiction. I need a cyber 12-step program, I guess. It seems that when I'm not foing that, I'm escaping into a book - and not a new one, old favorites. A real escape..bye for now. I'll try not to get online. (I;m so much cooler...) ha!

Debbie~ said...

Here I am filling your comment area up with stuff...My brother wanted me to do some art work for a t-shirt idea he has, I did it, and sent it to him asking him to tell me what he thought of it, the good, the bad and/or the ugly of it, and all I got was a one word response, soooo, I guess it's a go....his response was:
AWESOME! He's doing the paper work for the copyright and then I can share this 'New' idea of his!

Read, Read, Read

This is a great site and fun, too! This is a list of some of what I have read, am reading now, and plan to read next.